Luke 10:27; Mark 12:30; Matthews 22:37
Our desire is to see people experience intimacy with God in all aspects of life. We worship God willfully, emotionally, mentally and physically. Everything is spiritual and interconnected to our relationship with God. Wholeness in our relationship with God is essential to true spiritual life.
Matthew 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27
Our heart is to constantly be advocates of love in our world. We believe that others will know we are Christians by our love, for that is how God expressed himself to us through Jesus. Our love for our individual families, our local assembly, our sphere of influence and global missions should be the greatest evidence of God’s transformation in our lives. This love transcends race, culture, gender and socio-economic status.
Luke 19:10; Mark 5: 18-20; 2 Corinthians 5: 18-20
We resonate with Jesus’ words to reach the lost and dying people in the world. We are to be the extension of Jesus’ hand in the lives of those who are sick, searching, oppressed and in need. We encourage outreach, sharing the good news, reclaiming of one’s image and an emphasis on life’s values and ideals.
Ephesians 5:1; Matthew 28: 19-20; Acts 2: 42-47
We desire for every person to follow Jesus wholly and soley as they are instructed by the Word of God. We must go into the world as Christ followers teaching people how to live the principles that Jesus Christ lived. We do this through other’s instruction and by the Holy Spirit’s daily work in us, with the end result being that we will not only know, but experience life abundant.